02 March, 2014

And the Oscar goes to...

Shahid Afridi.

haha. kidding. but a big thanks to the guy for making us proud! it was a great match with solid performances by both the teams. very well played India and Pakistan. Thank you Lala for making Pakistan win in style! ;)

Google image

anyways...onto the Oscars....

Its been my ritual to watch all the Oscar noms for major categories like best: actor/actress, supporting actor/actress, screen play (original and adapted), direction, production design; then predict and wait for the results to be revealed. Not to brag, but last year 8 out of 10 predictions that I made, came true! :D However, This year, all the nominations for major categories were simple works of awesomeness thus making it very difficult to choose one over the other!

Haha. Ofcourse the reference was necessary. :P

So let me tell you straight about my picks and who I'm rooting for this year...

1. Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role:

Cate Blanchett for Blue Jasmine.
Although I equally loved Meryl and Sandra in August:Osage County and Gravity respectively, but I'm literally overwhelmed by Cate's performanse in Blue Jasmine. Also, Amy Adams was great in American Hustle. God her expressions thru eyes...one could really feel the depth of her character...but the "shades" and intricacies in  Cate's role were superbly delivered by her; and hence my vote goes for her.

2. Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role:

Leonardo DiCaprio vs Matthew McConaughey for The Wolf of Wall Street and Dallas Buyers Club.

Its a tough choice. There was great variation in Matthew's role in DBC, but Leonardo carried the whole movie (WWS) flawlessly. The role of Jordan Belfort needed an immense amount of energy and charisma and Leonardo had just the right amount of it! I think its about time that Leo gets the much needed appraisal! As far as I know, Christian Bale and Chiwetel Ejiofor are the favorites, no doubt they played their parts beautifully, but my favorites are the above two and I'm hoping this time Leo takes it!

3. Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role: Bradley Cooper vs Michael Fassbender.

Both did phenomenal job. Chances are Bradley Cooper might get  it for some strange reason that American Hustle seems to be everyone's favorite, but even if he does, this wont be unjust.

4. Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role: Julia Roberts for August: Osage County.

No, I wasn't *overwhelmed* by Jennifer Lawrence's performance in American Hustle (to a great extent it reminded me of SLPB) and Lupita was very convincing in 12 years a slave...but not as much as Julia. I know there is very slim chance of her getting the Oscar this year, but I hope she does!

5. Best Achievement in Directing: 

My favorites are Martin Scorsese for The Wolf of Wall Street and Alfonso Cuarón for Gravity. If one gets the Best Direction, the other should get for Best Picture. I know I'm totally forgetting the 10 noms by American Hustle, but it was just 7/10 for me, not 9/10 like these ones...

6. Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen: 

I'm at my wits end for this one. I absolutely loved Blue Jasmine for the tight and crisp script, Her for the strong mood of the film, Nebraska ( cried at the end) for its simple yet emotionally captivating story-line and Dallas Buyers Club for the way the issue in fact myriad issues were presented in the movie. Even for that matter, American Hustle's nomination wasn't bad either!

7. Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published:

Captain Phillips OR Philomena OR The Wolf of Wall Street. Difficult to pick one, but I'll go for WWS.

8. Best Achievement in Production Design

I think The Great Gatsby is a clear winner, but have you seen HER ?

Ah...this movie takes you to some other level. A visual and post-modernist masterpiece.

I loved the scores of Gravity, Her and Philomena. I also think that the Best Visual Effects, Cinematography and editing should go to Gravity.
And I never really understood the criterion for Best Picture. So, that's all from my side of predictions. With the Award Ceremony only hours away, here's to the best of talent, hard work and the wonderful movie experiences! :)

Thanks for reading peeps. Do let me know what are your picks for the Oscars? :P


  1. Hey :) follow back :)

    Many Greets
    Chrissie :)

  2. OMG.......tysm for this post....I need to download more movies....:P...I love gravity too.....xoxoxo....^_^

    1. reallyyyy??!! wow thats cool....i loveddddd gravity! :P

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