25 March, 2014

Body Luxuries Body Splash - Sweet Pea

Helloooooo lovely people!!! it's been soo long that I could take some time out to write a new post, ahh...if only a day had more than 24 hours......but, now I'm backkkk,,, and I hope I'll be more regular with posts now :D

Ok, so amidst all this busy and hectic schedule, tiring days and frantic evenings, there was something that I needed to calm my senses when I use to hit the bed. And that my friends, was this little baby!

Not only that I use it religiously every morning and evening after taking baths, but I spritz it on my pillow as well because I just am TRULY MADLY DEEPLY in love with this body splash!!

Ok, so lets start with the packaging. As you can see, it has a plastic elongated bottle with plastic cap which is quite secure and intact even after months of usage. The bottle is sturdy and travel-friendly (although its a bit large in size but the good thing is, there is no spilling nor the cap gets loose). You can see the beautiful purplish liquid through the transparent bottle, which not only looks cute but is also helpful to know how much of the product is used/left. There is 236 ml (8 fl oz) of the product for the price tag of PKR 170 (US $ 1.7). Very pocket friendly, eh? ;)

The flavor "sweet pea" is quite sweet and juicy and floral and fresh; all at the same time! the fragrance has a very interesting blend of lavender, sweet pea petals and watery pear with freesia, fresh raspberry and soft delicate musk; which stays for a long time on my skin: approximately 12 hours (yes....hard to believe that something will stay THAT long in the humid, sweaty weather of Karachi haha) and let me tell you that I dont sit in A.C. all day; meaning there IS some perspiration and sweat but thank God, with this bodysplash on, I never experienced any bad odor! [I have used this splash in summer as well as winter, therefore I can safely say that the longevity of its fragrance is quite remarkable in the hot and humid summers of Karachi!]. Also, there are days when I'm extra lazy to wear an actual perfume, and I just spray it on my clothes as well (yes....some people can be THIS lazy hahaha), but here the staying time is a bit limited, like a maximum of 6 hours. Other than its superb staying power, the moisturizing feel when it is applied on the skin (as compared to other body sprays) is quite observable! I really like the fact that I dont feel that short, strong stingy feeling when I spritz it on my skin as compared to other normal body sprays....I think the aloe vera sure does its hydrating job!

Now having discussed its favorite bits, there is one thing which I seriously despise :@

Yessss....its like a rare gem stone hahahah...a few years back, I bought this from Naheed Super Market (from then on,my love for it grew and grew hahahaha...how very non-poetic! :P ) and later I bought from Atrium Mall Saddar, and as I am always telling my friends how much I love this baby, a few days back a friend of mine gifted me this along with some other flavors from this range (after I had given up on my search for this *gem* at Naheed and Atrium Mall). I think she bought it from Time Medicos. You can visit the website here but I am not sure if there is an online shopping option...I hope more shops start stocking it because seriously for this price, its such a great product; both in terms of quality and quantity! Next time, if you ever spot this baby on any shelf, just grab one for trying sake, I promise you won't be disappointed! ;)

So thanks for reading folks. Do let me know if you have used this or any other flavor from Body Luxuries range and do you like it or not?! Have a nice day...xoxo :)


  1. I'll be sure to grab it when I see it :)

  2. Sweet pea is my favourite scent.. lovely review...

  3. Great review dear...looks like a good product...:-)

  4. I will grab this one for sure.....sounds amazing and look at the price....pocket friendly.....xoxoxoxo...:D

    1. haha exactly...you should give it a try if you find it! :)

  5. Gonna lay my hands on it soon now :) Thanks a lot for the lovely review :D


  6. I have seen it in store so many times.I think after your review I will definitely buy it now ^_^

    1. awww yeah shehrzad you should check this out im sure you'll like it :)

  7. I love sweet pea fragrance.. thanks fr the review :)
    My latest post: http://natashabhatt.blogspot.in/2014/03/patanjali-lemon-honey-kanti-body.html

  8. it sounds great :)


  9. great review dear.
    keep intouch

  10. I enjoyed reading your review :) When I have my favorite body splash, I spray it not only on my body but also on my pillows too! I just can't get enough of my favorite scents!:)
    Muilo Burbulai

    1. Haha i swearrr i cant get enough of them eitherr!! Thanks for your lovely comment :-)

  11. hahah omg that was funny :) Great review too :)

    I would love to just smell it haha

    Stop by my blog whenever you have time for a chat :D

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    Visit The Fashion Milkshake Blog

  12. just love the way you write your posts ... adorable really <3 :)

  13. loved the post :) specially the grumpy cat at the end :D


  14. Normally I am not a fan of sweetpea scents, but maybe this is the exception :)


    1. Yeah i think you should check it out...may be you'll like it… ;-)

  15. OMG! This such a cheap body splash but why does it have to be so elusive? I so wanna try it after reading your review but I am not sure where to find this! I will have to keep my eyes open when shopping :D

    1. haha yeah...availability seems to be a problem with this one...otherwise its a great product! :)


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